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Well-being (2)

21 min read | March 18, 2024

Intuitive eating: ditch the diet & reconnect with your body

Intuitive eating is an anti-diet approach that reconnects you with your body’s natural cues and nutritional needs. Learn how intuitive eating works. Read More
14 min read | March 13, 2024

What causes a lack of motivation? Plus 9 tips to get it back

Learn what motivation is, how motivation impacts your life, and how to find motivation if you’re lacking. Read More
18 min read | March 11, 2024

Build your self-worth: ways to overcome inferiority complex

Struggle to feel good enough? You may have an inferiority complex. The good news? You can overcome an inferiority complex with a few simple steps. Read More
16 min read | March 6, 2024

Empower yourself: how to nurture personal self-determination

Self-determination affects our decisions and well-being. Learn how to harness the power of your self-determination for a more fulfilling and satisfying life. Read More
21 min read | March 6, 2024

How to get people to like you even if you're shy

How do you get people to like you if you’re shy? With practice, you can learn helpful skills to build stronger connections with the people around you. Read More
23 min read | March 6, 2024

How to fix a relationship and rebuild trust one step at a time

Relationships are invaluable, but how do you fix a broken one? Our guide covers key steps to healing hurt feelings in your friendships and romances. Read More
16 min read | March 5, 2024

Understanding why you feel like a failure (& why you're not)

It’s common to feel like a failure when things don’t go according to plan. Find out how to reframe these feelings to build impenetrable self-worth. Read More
16 min read | February 29, 2024

What’s an internal monologue, and how does it help?

Learn what an internal monologue is and who experiences it. Find out the pros and cons of having an inner voice and how to manage negative self-talk. Read More
17 min read | February 29, 2024

Acute stress: what you need to know

Acute stress disorder occurs after stressful or traumatic events. How long does it last, and how can it be managed? Learn relief techniques for acute stress. Read More
18 min read | February 29, 2024

Emotional stress symptoms and how to cope

Find out how to identify emotional stress symptoms and understand what causes them. Plus, learn how to apply eight healthy coping techniques. Read More
17 min read | February 28, 2024

75 shadow work prompts for self-discovery and acceptance

Use shadow work prompts to understand the parts of yourself you hide and why. This work helps you grow personally, professionally, and in relationships. Read More
19 min read | February 27, 2024

10 journaling apps to turn today into a better tomorrow

Journaling apps provide convenience to capture your thoughts, emotions, and moods no matter where you are. Here are 10 of our favorites. Read More
17 min read | February 26, 2024

Use the Wheel of Life® tool to achieve better balance

Use the Wheel of Life® tool to understand where your balance is off. Find out how to transform these insights into goals and positive change. Read More
18 min read | February 23, 2024

Try a positive mindset for success and well-being

A positive mindset can improve your professional and personal lives. Here’s how to adopt and maintain one, boosting your success and resilience. Read More
16 min read | February 22, 2024

5 self-actualization examples: Unlock Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

Find inspiration in these five real-life self-actualization examples that will help motivate you along your journey to personal development and self-fulfillment. Read More
13 min read | February 21, 2024

How to change your perspective and change your life

Learn how to change your perspective and lead a more fulfilling life. Understand yourself better with 15 self-awareness tips you can apply today. Read More
21 min read | February 21, 2024

How to change your life: 8 steps to start over

Changing your life and starting over can feel daunting but it's not too late. Use this guide to start regaining control of your life with these 8 steps. Read More
20 min read | February 20, 2024

14 tips to deal with from burnout and love your life again

Learn more about how you can recover from burnout. Knowing how to identify and fix burnout properly is crucial for well-being and good mental health. Read More
18 min read | February 20, 2024

Grounding techniques: Powerful ways to find calm in chaos

Use this guide to find your best grounding techniques for slowing down, finding calm, and connecting back to the present, even in your most chaotic moments. Read More
18 min read | February 20, 2024

Finding your North Star: Uncovering your life's purpose

Knowing your purpose in life can leave you happier, healthier, and more fulfilled. Get answers to “What is my purpose?” and more with this step-by-step guide. Read More
15 min read | February 14, 2024

Assertive versus aggressive: What's the difference?

Learn the difference between assertive versus aggressive interactions. Plus, discover how to benefit from straightforward communication. Read More
21 min read | February 13, 2024

Lonely? Here are 18 ideas for what to do when you feel alone

Many people experience loneliness. That’s why we’ve offered these 18 tips to help you stop feeling lonely and live a happier life. Read More
18 min read | February 8, 2024

How to reset your life in 10 ways

Learning how to reset your life empowers you to audit your present to carve a path toward a brighter future. Here are 10 ways to get started. Read More
12 min read | February 5, 2024

Feeling lost: signs, causes, and 4 tips for finding your way

It’s normal to feel lost sometimes. In fact, it can be a sign of impending personal growth. Here are some of the signs you might be lost and how to find what to do next. Read More
18 min read | February 3, 2024

15 questions to discover your life purpose and drive meaning

Use these 15 questions to discover your life purpose to find more meaning and belonging. Learn how you can start crafting a better life today. Read More
14 min read | February 2, 2024

20 ways to make sure you go to work happy

People who go to work happy are more likely to find meaning and purpose in their career and personal life. Here are 20 ways you can find happiness at work. Read More
11 min read | February 2, 2024

CBT-I: What is it and how does it work?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) is the most effective treatment for insomnia. We'll tell you what it is and how it works. Read More
15 min read | February 1, 2024

Feeling foggy? Let us help you strengthen your mental clarity

What is brain fog? Understanding how it works can help you overcome cognitive haziness. Let’s rediscover your mental clarity. Read More
16 min read | January 26, 2024

How divergent thinking can drive your creativity

Learn what divergent thinking is, the pros and cons of using it, and how it differs from convergent thinking. Find out how to become a divergent thinker. Read More
20 min read | January 25, 2024

How to make a self-care checklist (and 7 examples)

Creating a self-care checklist can transform big wellness goals into daily habits. Here’s how to build yours (with examples to get you started.) Read More
16 min read | January 22, 2024

What is gratitude? 12 tips for how to start a gratitude practice

What is gratitude? Explore the definition of gratitude, what it means to have it, why it’s essential, and how to start a daily practice (with examples). Read More
16 min read | January 20, 2024

How to get your life together in 10 simple steps

Learn how to get your life together by following 10 steps to regain control. Find out how to goal-set, plan, ask for help, and take care of yourself. Read More
31 min read | January 20, 2024

7 types of therapy to improve your mental well-being

Learn how to choose between 7 types of therapy that can improve your mental resilience, plus how a blend of therapy and coaching can elevate your overall well-being. Read More
18 min read | January 19, 2024

15 ways to fight off the Sunday Scaries

Do you have a bad case of the Sunday Scaries? Start managing the anxiety of the Sunday Scaries with these 15 coping mechanisms. Read More
17 min read | January 19, 2024

7 strategies for how to stop yourself from spiraling

Looking for ways to stop yourself from spiraling? Negative thought spirals are when one worst-case thought leads to another. Keep reading for helpful tips. Read More
17 min read | January 14, 2024

Habit stacking: What it is and 5 examples

Looking for ways to create lasting change in your life? Learn how habit stacking can help you take small steps toward new habits. Read More
19 min read | January 14, 2024

100 self-reflection questions to explore yourself

Use these 100 self-reflection questions to get to know yourself. Find out what your values are, what you want for the future, and how fulfilled you are. Read More
23 min read | January 13, 2024

What is subjective well-being and how can you improve yours?

Life satisfaction, or subjective well-being, is the make-or-break factor for overall health and wellness. Discover how you can improve yours. Read More
18 min read | January 12, 2024

I don’t know what to do with my life: What to do next

Thinking "I don't know what to do with my life" can be daunting, but these insights can carry you to a path of self-discovery and growth. Read More
16 min read | January 11, 2024

How to break bad habits: 7 tips to succeed

Learning how to break bad habits is easier when you understand how habits form. Here’s a guide to understand habit formation and tips to build healthier ones. Read More
19 min read | January 10, 2024

105 daily journal prompts that’ll make you want to write

Explore this guide to 105 daily journal prompts that will get your pen moving and encourage self-reflection. Find out how journaling helps your overall health. Read More