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Research & Insights (2)

10 min read | June 14, 2022

Your workforce is lonely. It’s hurting your business.

Connection is the biggest opportunity leaders aren’t focusing on to win talent and build adaptable and resilient organizations. Learn why addressing the connection crisis in... Read More
Research & Insights
8 min read | June 9, 2022

Love them or hate them, meetings promote social learning and growth

New research shows how synchronous interactions (aka: meetings) support employee learning and growth better than alternatives like email and chat. Read More
Research & Insights
8 min read | May 31, 2022

The surprising, far-reaching effects of fumbling during a crisis

The pandemic has taught us meaningful lessons about the far-reaching impact of clumsy crisis response on employees' development, planning and commitment. Read More
Research & Insights
9 min read | April 29, 2022

Having “too many” interests isn’t holding you back, it’s launching you forward

Data reveals that being exposed to and coached in multiple areas helps people learn and grow faster than those that focus on only a few areas. Read More
Research & Insights
17 min read | April 29, 2022

Overcoming distraction in the Federal workforce

Lack of focus and distraction are a persistent problem. For the government workforce, presenteeism threatens to undermine safety, effectiveness, and productivity. Read More
Research & Insights
9 min read | April 5, 2022

Believe it or not, not everyone wants to work from home. Here’s why.

Remote and hybrid work arrangements are quickly becoming the new normal. But not everyone is excited about the prospect of working from home indefinitely. Read More
Research & Insights
12 min read | March 30, 2022

Data show fears of backlash still keep workers on the job

Despite rising mental health issues, workers fear that taking time off will cause a backlash from their employer. Read More
Research & Insights
10 min read | March 22, 2022

Difficult to get and not widely available, paid parental leave eludes many working parents

When it comes to paid parental leave, half of working parents either don’t have access to it or are unaware of what is available to them. Read More
Research & Insights
9 min read | March 10, 2022

Suffering in silence: Why working parents hide child care woes from their employers

Managing the needs of the office and the home has been a balancing act for working parents. Sadly, many are hiding these challenges from their employers Read More
9 min read | March 7, 2022

For working parents, childcare is a heavy load. Guess who shoulders most of it?

Parents are stepping up to take on more childcare responsibilities in the face of disruption to schools and daycare facilities — but not equally Read More
Research & Insights
7 min read | March 2, 2022

Parents worry that child care is negatively impacting their work output

More is being asked of working parents than ever before. As a result, many are feeling that child care is taking a toll on their job performance Read More
Research & Insights
8 min read | February 26, 2022

Working mothers fear that parenthood is negatively impacting their careers

The past two years have put strain on working parents trying to balance their careers with their home lives, but mothers feel it most acutely. Read More
Research & Insights
8 min read | February 23, 2022

Many working parents feel guilt, but some groups feel it more than others

Our data reveals that feelings of guilt among working parents varies greatly between people of different genders and ethnic groups Read More
Research & Insights
13 min read | February 17, 2022

Outsmarting the Innovator's Bias: Where future-mindedness and innovation meet

The world today demands innovation. But we tend to overlook the downside of our own ideas. To move confidently (but not blindly) forward, it helps to imagine the worst. Read More
Research & Insights
8 min read | February 16, 2022

Young men lag in developing this key skill that’s linked to achievement and success

Young men lag behind all other groups with sensible goal-setting. We took a look at what’s behind this trend and what can be done to fix it. Read More
Research & Insights
7 min read | February 9, 2022

With age comes resilience and optimism, despite physical and cognitive declines

Despite physical and cognitive decline, the data shows we grow in resilience and optimism as we age. This results in higher levels of life satisfaction. Read More
Research & Insights
16 min read | February 9, 2022

Inner Work® at work: 4 companies leading the way in unlocking the potential of their employees

When workplaces commit to supporting Inner Work®, powerful transformations occur for individuals and organizations. In today’s rapidly shifting economy, companies that do... Read More
Research & Insights
11 min read | February 4, 2022

The science behind Inner Work®

Learn from three industry experts, authors, and researchers — Dr. Christine Carter, Rhonda Magee, and Shawn Achor — why Inner Work® actually works. And find out how you can... Read More
Employee Experience
7 min read | February 3, 2022

With great power comes great … belonging?

Feeling connected to the team is a top factor for job satisfaction, but the data shows a discrepancy between managers and ICs when it comes to belonging Read More
7 min read | February 1, 2022

The significant upside of reducing and preventing burnout

Managing the effects of burnout not only prevents negative feelings, it promotes positive attitudes that have far reaching impact for both individuals and organizations Read More
10 min read | January 28, 2022

Find out what the data reveal about the 6 key skills for managing stress

Stress is a inescapable part of our lives, but developing these six skills can help you mitigate its effects and improve your well-being Read More
Research & Insights
8 min read | January 27, 2022

Managers and individual contributors take different approaches to coaching

We used natural language processing to see how and why coaching topics differ between managers and individual contributors Read More
Research & Insights
17 min read | January 24, 2022

When the new normal is a no-show: Why future-mindedness is the mindset organizations need now

For organizations, the inability to plan in the face of uncertainty is affecting their leaders, employees, and customers. BetterUp's research reveals a key future-oriented... Read More
Research & Insights
9 min read | January 12, 2022

Language analysis reveals how coaching has evolved over the last 3 years

As we start a new year, we used language analysis to look back at how professional coaching has changed over the past three years Read More
Research & Insights
13 min read | January 11, 2022

Meet the Future-Minded Leader: Your organization’s answer to uncertainty

More than ever, the future feels uncertain and opaque. We have to move forward, but it’s harder to plan for what’s ahead. What does it take to thrive? We discovered one key... Read More
Employee Experience
4 min read | December 17, 2021

Psychological safety: We all know it improves teams, but it can boost careers, too

Psychological safety in the workplace empowers people to focus on their career aspirations, improving key skills so they can have broader impact Read More
Employee Experience
7 min read | December 15, 2021

Think your employees feel equally comfortable at work? Think again

Companies are embracing diversity and inclusion, but data shows that perceptions differ among minority groups about the climate of the workplace. Read More
Research & Insights
4 min read | December 9, 2021

What to get coaching on? Here’s what managers are saying

Wondering what to get coaching on? Coaching has been proven to improve a range of skills and abilities. Here are the areas managers say employees should focus on most. Read More
Research & Insights
7 min read | December 3, 2021

Gaps in empathy and self-compassion may explain workplace inequalities

Data reveals that the internal beliefs of those in leadership positions differ significantly from the people they manage. The impact may be damaging. Read More
Employee Experience
7 min read | December 1, 2021

Managers say men and women differ in these five areas: Is it true?

Men and women bring different things to the table. But are these differences really due to gender? The science may surprise you. Read More
8 min read | November 19, 2021

Why women aren’t returning to the workplace

High unemployment threatens to wipe out a decades’ worth of economic advancement for women. Here’s how organizations can help Read More
Research & Insights
4 min read | November 17, 2021

Managers have a strong effect on team performance, for better or worse

Thriving managers improve team performance. But what about managers who are struggling? How team outcomes are impacted when leadership is lacking. Read More
Research & Insights
8 min read | November 10, 2021

How keeping employees connected may actually keep them committed

Employees are feeling less favorable about their employers over time, but it may be related to feeling less connected to each other Read More
Research & Insights
7 min read | November 4, 2021

Covid disrupted the way we work, but it turns out that change can be good

Despite some initial challenges, changing work arrangements leads to several long-term benefits for employees and their companies. Read More
Research & Insights
6 min read | October 28, 2021

Leaders are prioritizing well-being over leadership skills in the post-Covid workplace

BetterUp member data reveals that leaders are continuing to focus inward at a time when their employees need them the most Read More
Diversity & Inclusion
7 min read | October 19, 2021

For working parents, a return to work (and back again) is stressful

The process of returning to work and a feeling of normalcy has been slow, especially for parents. Navigating school and unpredictable shutdowns is hard as ever. Read More
Research & Insights
5 min read | October 13, 2021

Data shows since pandemic team performance hinges on this leader skill

Good leaders who lead successful teams have many skills, from influence to humility. Our data shows what is most important to employees and bottom line. Read More
Research & Insights
11 min read | October 6, 2021

The new skills every manager needs to lead inclusively in a hybrid world

Managers shape the employee experience. In the new work, managers need new skills to communicate, collaborate and guide across a diverse hybrid workforce. Read More
Employee Experience
9 min read | September 30, 2021

A new "belonging tax" is reshaping the employee experience

Workers who shifted to remote work during the pandemic are paying belonging tax for the convenience, flexibility, and work-life balance they gained. For employers, the... Read More
Research & Insights
5 min read | September 27, 2021

A new kind of leadership for a new world of work

Since the start of the pandemic, we’ve tracked over 10,000 BetterUp Members engaged in 1:1 personalized coaching. Our data provide a window into the unique differences,... Read More
Research & Insights
7 min read | September 21, 2021

Employees report greater creativity working remotely

Organizations worldwide are deciding whether to commit to fully remote, a hybrid, or require a return to the office. Data on creativity and innovation may be surprising. Read More