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26 min read | March 31, 2024

Is a master's degree worth it? Insights for professionals

Is a master's degree worth it? Weigh the costs, pros, and cons against the potential benefits so you are able to make an informed decision for your future. Read More
19 min read | March 29, 2024

How to identify stress vs. anxiety and learn to cope

By learning to distinguish stress vs. anxiety, you can identify the triggers for each and develop healthy coping strategies that lead to a calmer life. Read More
Professional Development
17 min read | March 29, 2024

30 interview questions for managers and how to answer them

Preparing for common interview questions for managers boosts your confidence and sets you up to impress. Here are 30 to practice before your next meeting. Read More
26 min read | March 29, 2024

How exposure therapy can help you confront your fears

Exposure therapy works by helping you tolerate your fears in a safe environment so you don’t go out of your way to avoid experiences that can enrich your life. Read More
18 min read | March 28, 2024

15 career goals examples to inspire you to set your own

Clear career goals are the sails that move your professional life forward. Here are 15 examples to inspire your own and motivate you to grow. Read More
18 min read | March 27, 2024

How to stop being jealous by cultivating self-love

Jealousy is normal, but what do you do when it takes over? We’ll show you how to stop being jealous by cultivating self-love and healing your insecurities. Read More
21 min read | March 26, 2024

How executive functioning governs daily life activities

Executive functioning governs every aspect of our daily life. Learn how an executive functioning coach can improve life at work, school, and home. Read More
Leadership & Management
17 min read | March 26, 2024

How to deal with passive-aggressive people no matter your relationship

Learning how to deal with passive-aggressive people can help you develop strategies and coping skills for overcoming uncomfortable relationship challenges. Read More
18 min read | March 26, 2024

33 Self-Esteem Journal Prompts for Confidence & Self-Compassion

Self-esteem journal prompts to boost confidence and self-love. Explore thought-provoking questions and writing exercises to cultivate a positive self-image. Read More
17 min read | March 25, 2024

Resiliency: building unbreakable strength in uncertain times

Resiliency refers to your ability to respond to stress in healthy ways. Learn how you can cultivate a resilient mindset with healthy habits. Read More
18 min read | March 21, 2024

Taming the trauma dump: sharing without suffocating

A trauma dump is the oversharing of distressing information. Learn what causes trauma dumps and get practical coping strategies to regulate your emotions. Read More
16 min read | March 19, 2024

Clearing a personalized path to emotional permanence

Maintaining emotional permanence can be a challenge. Learn self-soothing techniques, mindfulness practices, and strategies for developing mental agility. Read More
33 min read | March 19, 2024

Our 12 favorite TED Talks about procrastination management

These are our 12 favorite Ted Talks about procrastination management. Learn about the best practices, mindset shifts, and skills for getting things done. Read More
25 min read | March 19, 2024

What to do in retirement: finding purpose and fulfillment

Stepping into retirement? Find out what to do to make this phase a purpose-filled, rewarding, and adventurous new chapter in your life's story. Read More
21 min read | March 18, 2024

Intuitive eating: ditch the diet & reconnect with your body

Intuitive eating is an anti-diet approach that reconnects you with your body’s natural cues and nutritional needs. Learn how intuitive eating works. Read More
17 min read | March 18, 2024

Using the whisper method to bring about positive change

The whisper method is a manifestation method using specific visualizations to attract change. Learn how to harness positive energy to get the things you want. Read More
21 min read | March 15, 2024

Existential therapy methods, benefits, and techniques

Uncertainty about the future can take a toll on mental health. Learn how existential therapy can help you embrace life even when the path ahead is murky. Read More
16 min read | March 14, 2024

How to find inner peace

Many wonder how to find inner peace, but few commit to the journey. Learn how gratitude and mindfulness practices can increase your inner peace and well-being. Read More
14 min read | March 13, 2024

What causes a lack of motivation? Plus 9 tips to get it back

Learn what motivation is, how motivation impacts your life, and how to find motivation if you’re lacking. Read More
19 min read | March 13, 2024

Career fields: finding the job for you

Deciding which career fields are right for you can be overwhelming. Consider passions, finances, and work-life balance when choosing a career. Read More
Leadership & Management
13 min read | March 12, 2024

Proximity bias: definition

The squeaky wheel gets the grease — but the people you see the most get the perks. Learn to spot if proximity bias is leaving your remote team in the cold. Read More
18 min read | March 11, 2024

Build your self-worth: ways to overcome inferiority complex

Struggle to feel good enough? You may have an inferiority complex. The good news? You can overcome an inferiority complex with a few simple steps. Read More
18 min read | March 8, 2024

How a small business coach can help you level up

Find out why you need a small business coach, what issues they can help you tackle, and what to expect from a session. Read More
21 min read | March 8, 2024

7 types of resumes to suit various scenarios

Catch a potential employer’s eye and improve your chances of getting hired by knowing when and how to use one of the seven different types of resumes. Read More
15 min read | March 7, 2024

Developing positive self-fulfilling prophecies to succeed

A self-fulfilling prophecy can be positive or negative. This guide explains how to recognize each type to break their cycle or use them to your advantage. Read More
16 min read | March 6, 2024

Empower yourself: how to nurture personal self-determination

Self-determination affects our decisions and well-being. Learn how to harness the power of your self-determination for a more fulfilling and satisfying life. Read More
16 min read | March 6, 2024

Why do you want this job - finding your most impactful answer

“Why do you want this job?” is a tough question. Here, we’re laying out everything you should know to create the perfect answer for your interview. Read More
Professional Development
17 min read | March 6, 2024

How to be optimistic

Wondering how to be optimistic? It’s an acquired skill anyone can have with practice. Learn to replace negative thinking with more positive thoughts. Read More
19 min read | March 6, 2024

How to get a remote job in 2024

Curious how to get a remote job and stand out among other applicants? Our resume and virtual interview tips are must-haves on your remote job search. Read More
21 min read | March 6, 2024

How to get people to like you even if you're shy

How do you get people to like you if you’re shy? With practice, you can learn helpful skills to build stronger connections with the people around you. Read More
23 min read | March 6, 2024

How to fix a relationship and rebuild trust one step at a time

Relationships are invaluable, but how do you fix a broken one? Our guide covers key steps to healing hurt feelings in your friendships and romances. Read More
19 min read | March 5, 2024

Feeling empty? Here are 8 reasons why and 6 tips to help

Are you feeling empty? Here’s 8 reasons why it might be happening and 6 tips to help you feel more fulfilled. Learn how to rediscover your sense of purpose. Read More
16 min read | March 5, 2024

Understanding why you feel like a failure (& why you're not)

It’s common to feel like a failure when things don’t go according to plan. Find out how to reframe these feelings to build impenetrable self-worth. Read More
Employee Experience
17 min read | March 1, 2024

110 unique interview questions to ask employers and stand out

With this list of 110 unique interview questions to ask an employer, you can prepare for your interview and stand out as a candidate. Read More
16 min read | March 1, 2024

How to make a to-do list that simplifies your life

Learn how to make a to-do list that boosts productivity, keeps you organized, and streamlines tasks. Find out what the best practices for any list are. Read More
16 min read | February 29, 2024

What’s an internal monologue, and how does it help?

Learn what an internal monologue is and who experiences it. Find out the pros and cons of having an inner voice and how to manage negative self-talk. Read More
17 min read | February 29, 2024

Acute stress: what you need to know

Acute stress disorder occurs after stressful or traumatic events. How long does it last, and how can it be managed? Learn relief techniques for acute stress. Read More
18 min read | February 29, 2024

Emotional stress symptoms and how to cope

Find out how to identify emotional stress symptoms and understand what causes them. Plus, learn how to apply eight healthy coping techniques. Read More
Professional Development
15 min read | February 29, 2024

22 workplace goals examples to strive for

See how to set work goals — plus, get details of why having work goals is important, and a list of common workplace goals examples to inspire your own. Read More
Professional Development
17 min read | February 28, 2024

What are analytical skills? Examples and how to level up

Developing analytical skills can help you take the next step on the career ladder. Find out everything you need to know about how to develop your aptitude. Read More
17 min read | February 28, 2024

75 shadow work prompts for self-discovery and acceptance

Use shadow work prompts to understand the parts of yourself you hide and why. This work helps you grow personally, professionally, and in relationships. Read More