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15 min read | April 28, 2023

From service member to civilian: Unlock this key talent pool with successful transitions

Veterans are an undervalued talent pool. Key to tapping into their skills: holistic transition support for service members from leaving through onboarding. Read More
9 min read | December 21, 2022

The power of coaching: Turning transitions into transformations

Transitions often bring uncertainty, but with coaching, they are unique moments to transform. When people transform, so do organizations and communities. Read More
6 min read | November 8, 2022

Why supporting veterans inside your company might matter more than hiring

The advantages of hiring veterans are well known, but hiring is only half the battle. Equally important is setting veterans up for success once hired. Read More
21 min read | October 31, 2022

When the leader’s cup runs dry: How burnout undermines mission and how to fix it

In the Federal government, leaders are committed to mission and often try to push through stress. But their burnout hurts their teams. Here's what to do. Read More
Employee Experience
14 min read | June 28, 2022

Trends in the Federal workforce: A review of the 2021 FEVS

BetterUp’s Government team of Ph.D. behavioral scientists conducted an analysis, identifying trends in the 2021 FEVS for leaders across federal government. Read More
Research & Insights
17 min read | April 29, 2022

Overcoming distraction in the Federal workforce

Lack of focus and distraction are a persistent problem. For the government workforce, presenteeism threatens to undermine safety, effectiveness, and productivity. Read More