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How to make a vision board and manifest your dream life

May 9, 2024 - 18 min read


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What is a vision board?

Backed by science: why do vision boards work?

What to include in your vision board

How to create your vision board

Integrating your vision board into daily life

Digital vs. physical vision boards

Using a vision board to manifest your dream life

Do you need to increase motivation or find a bit of direction for your life? Creating a vision board with images that inspire you can help you focus on what’s important. In this way, a vision board can be a tool to transform your world for the better.  

Making a vision board is meant to be an inspirational way to excite you about the future. You can use it as a chance to express yourself and begin self-discovery. If you want help coming up with vision board ideas, there are plenty of resources to guide you.                                                                                                                                               

What is a vision board?

Vision boards are collections of images, drawings, and other visuals arranged together to represent your goals and ambitions. Each one is an inspiration board that can help clarify your aspirations so you can manifest your vision. Also called a goal board or dream board, this collection of images can be physical or digital. 

Vision boards are highly versatile tools. You can use them as a manifestation method for your personal goals or professional goals. Vision boards focus on creating a visual representation of a personal vision statement. They’re perfect for helping you imagine the specifics of your life. 

How far ahead your vision board should look is up to you. You can create a vision board for the year ahead or one that considers long-term goals like your 5-year plan. If you have time, why not create a vision board for each phase of your life plan?

People who use vision boards usually place them where they’ll see them often. For instance, you can put a vision board on your mirror to refocus on your goals while you get ready in the morning. Or, you might choose to hang it in a room where you often relax to read or journal.

Backed by science: why do vision boards work?

In a 2024 study, researchers at the Journal of Research in Personality found that visions inspire and create positive emotions. They create positivity because they make you believe your dreams are within reach. By putting your goals on something you see daily, you can focus on what matters. 

Vision boards are just one type of visualization technique. Such techniques work by cementing an image in your mind until you believe it’s possible. 

Finding images and words that inspire you can increase your motivation to create an ideal life. Inspirational tools like vision boards can be powerful for making your dreams a reality. By reminding yourself of your life goals on a daily basis, you can start being more intentional. You can direct your daily actions toward a greater purpose or goal. 

A vision board helps you stay focused on the bigger picture. When you have a clear direction for your life, you can take actionable steps to achieve your dreams. Each day becomes an opportunity to work toward your big goals. 

Vision boards encourage you to think deeply about what you desire so you can live a happy life. They’re an opportunity to see if your personal values align with your vision. Plus, creating a vision board is a customizable activity that’s fun to do alone or with friends. Learning about each other’s goals can strengthen your relationships. 

What to include in your vision board

How do you create a vision board that accurately displays your dreams and aspirations? Creating a vision board representing your ideal life can be overwhelming at first.

There are so many possibilities that it may take time to decide what to include. Do some Inner Work® and think deeply about what you want your vision board to be. Considering some examples can narrow your focus and help you decide how to begin. 

Vision board ideas

How to create your vision board

Vision board creation can be fun and easy. You don’t need to overthink the process. Engage with your creativity to build your dream board. Your vision board is totally personal to you, so don’t worry about defending yourself or impressing anyone.


To create a physical vision board that you can hang anywhere in your home or office, try following these steps:

  1. Take some time to clarify your vision and intention
  2. Gather your materials, like images and art supplies
  3. Find images and words that represent your vision
  4. Arrange your materials
  5. Place your vision board where you’ll see it often

Let’s break down each of these steps of the process.

1. Take some time to clarify your vision

A vision board requires you to reflect on your desires and aspirations. Before starting your vision board work, clarify your goals. What do you want to manifest with your vision board? 

Get as clear as you can about your personal vision. Don’t rush this step, as it's the foundation for your entire vision board. You will find that you get even more clarity and detail as you create the board.

Avoid distractions while thinking about your vision. It’s important to maintain self-awareness as you clarify things. You can start journaling as a brain dump and a way to gain clarity about your life.

2. Gather your materials

To make a vision board, you need a variety of materials. As a base, you can use a poster board or other board. 

There are several types of boards you can use, including:

  • A wire board
  • A whiteboard
  • A magnetic board for your fridge
  • A cork board
  • A poster board

However, your vision board doesn’t have to be a literal board like a poster board. You can use paper or other materials. For a cheap alternative, you can cut out a piece of cardboard from a box you already have. A nearby dollar store or secondhand store may also have a suitable material. 

Next, you’ll need images or items to add to the inspiration board. Your images can come from a variety of sources, including:

  • Old magazines and catalogs
  • Printed versions of online images
  • Photos from your personal collection
  • Postcards
  • Stickers, sketches, and other elements

You’ll need something to secure your items to your base. Pins and clips work well. You can also use glue sticks or tape. If you’re making a magnetic board, you’ll need small magnets to secure each image. 

Finally, you’ll need a variety of crafting tools, such as pens, markers, paint, stickers, or anything else you want to use to embellish your vision board. You can use as little or as much of these materials as you desire.

3. Find images and words that represent your vision

Once you’ve gathered your materials, it’s time to add images and other details to display on your board. Photos and images are the most popular media to use on a vision board. The type of images you use will depend on the focus of your vision board. 

Here are some ideas for images to add to your vision board:

  • Images of graduation caps or degrees
  • Images of sports trophies
  • Images of vacation destinations
  • Images of things representing dream jobs, like an image of ocean animals for marine biology 

In addition to images, you can find inspiring quotes to add to your vision board. You can print out words representing your ideas or write them yourself.

You can even add craft items like scraps of fabric or confetti. You can also include natural items like tree branches if they symbolize your goals or best life. For example, adding some pressed flowers could remind you that you want to spend more time in nature.

It’s common practice to add words to your vision board as well. Try including inspirational words or words you want to associate yourself with. Much like with positive affirmations, the words you see and use have the power to shape your reality. Positive and negative self-talk has been found to impact athletic performance. Research has also found self-talk impacts brain functional connectivity in cognitive tasks.  

4. Arrange and place your materials

Now, it’s time to arrange everything you’ve prepared on your vision board. Lay out magazine images from your collection, writing utensils, and anything else you plan on using. 

Have fun with this step. Get inspired by the momentum and play with different layout options until it feels right. This arranging process is part of developing a clearer, more detailed vision for the future.

When you’re happy with the layout, secure everything in place with your chosen binding. Take time to make sure you’re happy with your design. If you’re using pins or clips, it’s easy to change things around as you go. But if you’re gluing or taping your materials, it’ll be much more difficult to change your mind afterward.

5. Place your vision board where you'll see it often

It’s finally time to place your vision board. A key part of your vision board’s value is looking to it for continued inspiration. When it comes to placement, choose a location where you can access it daily.

You can try placing your vision board in one of the following locations:

  • Your fridge
  • An empty wall in your kitchen
  • An altar
  • A mirror
  • Your nightstand
  • In your work-from-home office
  • The back of your front door

No matter where you place your board, be sure to check it regularly. Looking at your board is essential to remembering why you created it to manifest your dreams. 

Integrating your vision board into daily life

When it comes to integrating a vision board into your life, the process of making it is just the beginning. To set goals and achieve them, you’ll want to reflect on your vision board daily. Seeing these photos and images reminds you of what’s important to you. 

You can use your vision board as a source of ambition when you lack motivation. For example, you may have a rough day of work ahead full of difficult tasks. Looking at your goal-setting vision board will remind you why you need to keep pushing to achieve your dreams. 

Digital vs. physical vision boards

If you want the reward of a vision board but don’t want to bother with supplies, you could opt to create a digital version on a computer or mobile device instead. With a digital vision board, it’s easier to relocate, remove, or crop images. You can also constantly update it. In this way, your digital vision board can become a living thing that evolves with you. 

Digital tools like Canva or Photoshop even have a vision board template. A vision board template will guide you during the creation process. Looking at online vision board examples on your computer can also be a powerful way to draw inspiration.  

There are plenty of useful tools for digital vision boards, including:

  • Pinterest
  • A vision board mobile app
  • PicMonkey
  • Trello
  • Miro

You can keep your digital vision board on your computer as a background or print and display it. If you’d rather deal with technology than magazine clippings, digital may be the best option for you. 

Using a vision board to manifest your dream life

Manifestation is the act of bringing something into reality through visualization. There are plenty of things to manifest in your life, whether getting the job of your dreams or making friends

Manifesting something is just placing your focus and energy into that area of your life. When you make a vision board, you’re welcoming a path for your future. You’re saying yes to the possibility of getting what you want. 

Working with a coach can help you achieve the dreams you’ve outlined on your vision board. Coaching is a tool to help you identify your life goals and create a plan for reaching them. You’ve already done the first part with your vision board. By pairing with a coach, you can clarify your ambitions and create a life you’re proud of. 

Turn visions into reality

Explore coaching that guides you from dreaming to doing. Achieve the life goals you envision.

Turn visions into reality

Explore coaching that guides you from dreaming to doing. Achieve the life goals you envision.

Published May 9, 2024

Mikayla Balk

Mikayla Balk is a content writer focusing on emotional wellness and mental health. She’s previously written for True. Women’s Health and Behavioral Health of New York. Her passions include mental health advocacy, travel, animals, and nature photography. Mikayla holds a B.A. in Writing and Philosophy from Grand Valley State University.

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