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Rich, connected workforce data and insights

SAP SuccessFactors now integrates with BetterUp, empowering your People team with richer insights, streamlined program management, and tangible business outcomes to prove your program’s ROI on business outcomes.


Maximum impact, minimal lift

BetterUp is the world’s largest digital coaching platform with 2 million coaching sessions and extensive data on how coaching improves productivity, engagement, and performance. We now integrate with SAP SuccessFactors, an intelligent HCM platform powered by SAP — a leading provider of enterprise cloud applications for innovative global organizations. Working together in harmony, this seamless integration between BetterUp and SAP SuccessFactors makes it easy to deliver personalized coaching at scale and real insights on the need and performance of your workforce.

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Meaningful resources during moments that matter

Deeper insight into your people's growth and needs means you can deliver the exact transformational support they need, when they need it. Whether by granting BetterUp at a moment of promotion, organizational change, or life milestone, you can provide the most timely solutions to your people no matter the size, growth, and complexity of your organization.

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Landing Page - Standalone Module_2.2

Real data means real results

Data is powerful, but connecting outcomes across different platforms isn't always easy. Now that you can securely transmit data from SAP SuccessFactors to BetterUp, your HR team will get a deeper understanding of how your investment is transforming your business and people, all made richer by business outcome studies. 

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Seamless, simple, and secure

Getting SAP SuccessFactors integrated into BetterUp takes 60 minutes or less. We partner with your technical team to select the fields and attributes you’d like to connect to BetterUp, all made secure with BetterUp’s SOC II certification and PartnerEdge status on the SAP Store.

To ensure optimal utilization of your BetterUp seats, the integration can automatically remove licenses from former employees, and deploy automatically to any subset of managers, employees, etc that your program is intended for.


Try a BetterUp demo

Schedule some time with us so we can learn a little bit more about your business needs, and we will tailor a demo to meet your goals.